10 Things Everyone Should Know Before Bringing a Pet Home

10 things everyone should know before bringing a pet home
10 things everyone should know before bringing a pet home (Andrew S / Unsplash)

A veterinarian with over 40 years of experience, Michael Edwards, has revealed some valuable tips for anyone looking to have a pet.

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In an interview with Country Living, he highlights some basic care that owners should take, from the dangers of household chemicals within reach of animals to the importance of early socialization. Check it out:

Deodorants, sprays, and perfumes can harm pets

It is essential to avoid applying such products in areas where animals spend much time, as these can cause conditions such as asthma, allergies, and conjunctivitis.

Beware of loose and/or ground objects

Dogs, for example, are known to eat anything they find. Ingesting foreign bodies can lead to intestinal obstructions, requiring surgery. It is crucial to be attentive to signs of vomiting and prevent dogs from ingesting inappropriate objects.

Care for poisons and pesticides

Common poisons, such as toxic lilies for cats, can cause serious harm to pets. Awareness of these dangers, especially in easily accessible areas, is essential to prevent poisonings.

Walking is much more than just exercise

When it comes to dogs, going for a walk is much more than just physical exercise; it is also important to provide mental stimulation, such as allowing dogs to smell during walks.

Socialize your pets from a young age

Early socialization of pets is crucial, not only for interactions with other animals but also to expose them to common stressors, such as car rides and vet visits. Getting animals accustomed from a young age makes these experiences less stressful.

Regular visits to the vet

Annual health check-ups are essential for the animal’s well-being and to ensure treatment for chronic conditions throughout the pet’s life.

Cats don’t necessarily need friends

Contrary to common belief, the veterinarian emphasizes that cats do not necessarily need the company of other felines. If you want to have two cats, it is better to adopt littermates or a pre-bonded pair from a rescue center.

Know your pet

Knowing the specific characteristics of each breed and animal is crucial to meet the behavioral needs of pets. Breed-specific enrichment contributes to the happiness of the animal.

Dealing with animal stress

Michael highlights the effective use of synthetic pheromones, such as Feliway and Calmex, to manage animal stress. These products can be useful in cases of anxiety and stress, applicable daily or in specific situations, such as car trips.

Trust veterinarians

When dealing with animal health issues, Michael emphasizes that common explanations are more likely than rare conditions found online. He advises trusting veterinarians and avoiding self-diagnoses.

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